Lactation Services
Providing infant feeding support
What is a Lactation Consultant?
International Board Certified Lactation Consultants are highly skilled allied healthcare professionals that are a part of the perinatal healthcare team who address feeding challenges that range from basic to complex.
Whether you want to exclusively breast/chest feed, bottle feed or combination feed, Pamela will meet you where you’re at to help you work toward your feeding goals. Virtual appointments for BC residents are available, as well as in-person appointments for Comox Valley residents!
* No cost to indigenous families - BOOK HERE
Infant feeding support
With her calm and friendly approach, Pamela provides people with education & support when they are having difficulties feeding their baby. She has received extensive specialized training in understanding lactation, bottle feeding & pacifier use, and can help with such things as:
Preparing for breast/chest feeding during pregnancy
Establishing lactation
Addressing latch issues and nipple pain
Tongue and Lip Tie
Overcoming mastitis and clogged ducts
Address supply issues
Support in expressing/pumping milk
Bottle feeding or combination feeding
Supplemental Nursing Systems (SNS)
Feeding Multiples or in tandem with an older child
Support in breast/chest feeding premature babies
Support in breast/chest feeding babies with health challenges
Professional Development Workshops
Pamela offers professional development workshops for perinatal professionals on Vancouver Island and beyond, tailored to the specific needs and desires of the participants. Her workshops focus on current best practices in infant feeding, providing evidence-based training to ensure that healthcare providers and caregivers are well-equipped to support healthy feeding practices for infants. Please contact us for more information.